On my breakfast burrito post I had started typing a side note about eggs, but then one paragraph turned into two.... Finally I decided to just make a new post about it!
Egg Trivia:
- Unsure if an egg has been boil or is raw? Spin it. A hard boiled egg will easily spin because it is solid. A raw egg will wobble because of the liquid inside.
- The color of an egg's shell is determained by breed. Hens that have white feathers and earlobes will produce white eggs. Hen's that are red or brown feathered will make brown eggs. It has nothing to do with taste or nutrition.
- Brown eggs tend to cost more because brown hens cost more to raise.
- In Macedonia, an egg can mean the difference between life and death. According to local lore, if you share a birthday or even a birth month with a dying relative, your days are likewise numbered. The only way to cheat fate is to share the yolk of an egg with this relative while standing on opposite sides of a stream. Similarly, a dying man might save himself if he finds someone to share a sugared egg with him on the threshold of a house.
- Eggs will age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator.
- Eggs contain all the essential protein, minerals and vitamins, except Vitamin C. But egg yolks are one of few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D. Eggs also contain choline, which is necessary for healthy cell membranes in the body. Choline stimulates brain development and function and helps preserving memory. Eggs also are good for your eyes because they contain lutein which helps prevents age-related cataracts and muscular degeneration. In fact, eggs contain more lutein than spinach and other green vegetables.
- Certified Organic: These are produced by hens who have been fed an organic diet, free of any pesticides or hormones. Eggs labeled as this have to meet the USDA's guidelines.
- Free-Range: Eggs with this label are produced from hens who are raised outside, or at least have daily access to the outdoors. These eggs usually cost more because these hens normally produce a lower volume of eggs and the upkeep costs more.
- Cage Free: This is a term that you should always be very skeptical of. It is not USDA regulated and therefore there are no guidelines or regulations as to how it can be used. It is usually mean to mean eggs produced by hens who are allowed to roam around in a barn, but not outside.
- Fertile Eggs: This just means that the eggs came from hens who are in pens with roosters. You will usually find these at farmers markets, or if you buy straight from the farm.
- Nutrient Enriched: These eggs, in my opinion are a waste of money. The hens are fed nutrient enriched feed, so that they will produce eggs that are higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, or minerals, or that have less saturated fats. These usually cost over $4, and you really aren't getting much of a difference in your diet with them.
- Pasturized: These eggs are flash-heated to kill off any salmonella. They're good if you have a compromised immune system.
And no matter what.... Don't buy eggs in Styrofoam!!!!!!!!!!!
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